Maintenance Your Hosting

(*Not Require Add Your Domain)
  • Maintenance Zero_Client

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    • - Configuration of cPanel according what you need for your website

      - Configure cPanel
      - Configure Data Base MySQL
      - Create Email account for your website
      - Configure bandwidth
      - Configure Web Analyzer
      - Configure Web Analyzer FTP
      - Configure your CMS panel
      - Configure and maintenance your panel
      - Apply your new web changes
      - Backup your website
      - Set up your SSL

  • Maintenance Home_Level

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    • - Configuration of cPanel according what you need for your website

      - Configure cPanel
      - Configure Data Base MySQL
      - Create Email account for your website
      - Configure bandwidth
      - Configure Web Analyzer
      - Configure Web Analyzer FTP
      - Configure your CMS panel
      - Configure and maintenance your panel
      - Apply your new web changes
      - Backup your website
      - Set up your SSL

  • Maintenance Business Level

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    • - Configuration of all Home Level items plus the following

      - AMAZON Total caching your website (W3)
      - Backup encrypted database of your website
      - Configure your CMS panel according to your plugins
      - Configure your new products
      - Configure your elements that you want to add such as portfolio etc
      - Configure your payment methods
      - Configure your cost received methods such as pay pal, stripe etc
      - Configure SEO if you already paid for
      - Configure & Maintenance your website caching if you already paid for

  • Maintenance eCommerce Level

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    • - Configuration of all Home & Business Levels items plus the following
      - Configure WHM
      - Configure Parked Domain
      - Configure Sub Domain
      - Configure IP Static
      - Configure Cron Jobs
      - Configure applying account for your clients
      - Backup encrypted of all your website
      - Configure your CMS panel according to your eCommerce plugins
      - Configure your new products and etc
      - Configure your unlimited elements that you want to add such as portfolio and etc
      - Maintenance SEO for Free
      - Maintenance your website caching for Free
  • Maintenance Pro eCommerce level

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    • - Configuration of all Home & Business Levels items plus the following
      - Configure applying account for your clients
      - Backup encrypted of all your website
      - Configure your CMS panel according to your eCommerce plugins
      - Configure your new products and etc
      - Configure your unlimited elements that you want to add such as portfolio and etc
      - Maintenance SEO for Free
      - Maintenance your website caching for Free